April 2: “Jane Austen Matters”: Devoney Looser at Pomona College

“Jane Austen Matters”

a talk by Devoney Looser
4:15 pm
Ena Thompson Reading Room, Crookshank 108, Pomona College

Devoney Looser is Professor of English at Arizona State University.  She is the author of Women Writers and Old Age in Great Britain, 1750-1850 (2008) and British Women Writers and the Writing of History, 1670-1820 (2000), as well as the editor or co-editor of The Cambridge Companion to Women’s Writing of the Romantic Period (2015), Generations: Academic Feminists in Dialogue (1997), and Jane Austen and the Discourses of Feminism (1995).  She is working on two books, a biography of the sister novelists Jane and Anna Maria Porter and The Making of Jane Austen.  In the roller derby rink, she goes by the name Stone Cold Jane Austen.

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